Monday, February 24, 2014

Republicans Struggle With Math and Social Justice

The Democrats in Pierre tried once again to do the fiscally and morally sound act of expanding Medicaid in South Dakota.  Even though the Republicans brought back an anti-Common Core bill, they decided to reject another attempt to expand Medicaid for 48,000 South Dakota citizens.  District 4 Representative Kathy Tyler sums it up best on her Facebook page:
The House Republicans minus one brave soul just killed Medicaid Expansion in South Dakota. Instead they want a bill that costs $14,000,000 per year and covers 4000 people who work, instead of $1.9 million to cover 48,000. Which investment would you choose?
It turns out that two Republicans actually supported the amendment:  Representatives Dean Wink and Kyle Schoenfish.  Not only did the GOP work to deny expansion of healthcare for 48,000, they couldn't find the will to expand it to 4,000.  The Munsterman bill went down in flames:
But with Gov. Dennis Daugaard opposed to creating a state-run health program alongside Medicaid, more than half of lawmakers voted Munsterman’s bill down. Only 24 legislators voted for the program, while 45 voted no. It needed 47 yes votes to pass.
So much for any real courage from the GOP. 

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