Saturday, April 5, 2014

Daugaard's Focus: Improve Credit Rating and Not Citizen's Life

Last week Jonathan Ellis reported in the Argus Leader that in a recent interview with Governor Daugaard that Daugaard's main focus is for a AAA rating.  That is it.  The AAA rating is as much vision as Daugaard could seem to muster.
But there you have it: One of Daugaard's big goals if he wins again is a credit rating. Fiscal conservatives eat this stuff up. It's another story about their legendary penny-pinching governor, the guy who slept in a van on his honeymoon and who didn't put air conditioning in his home because it was too expensive. 
It's confirmation for Democrats as well. They've complained that Daugaard wants to pile up money in reserve funds instead of spending it on priorities, such as education. To them, Daugaard is a caretaker governor who lacks vision.
 That seems to sum up Daugaard's approach to government.  If it means investing in the people of South Dakota, then the answer is no.  If it means putting more and more money into the reserve fund, standing on principle, and watching tens of thousands of South Dakota citizens continue to go without insurance coverage then the answer is "you betcha ya!"  That is why we need a new governor.  Someone like Joe Lowe knows that to grow South Dakota, we have to have smart investment.  Investment in things like education and the people of the state.

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